I've been testing this new Google+ thing just to see what is about. Not that I'm excited about social-networks at all but I love technology.
By the way, this is not a full review nor anything like that, just a quick 'first impressions' on my experience so far using it.
First of all, as they are in close beta testing getting the invite was a pain!
After a friend found a 'hack' or a workaround to send invites, I managed to get into 'the circles'.
Inviting people is even a bigger pain!
Seems like even with this workaround, they allow only a limited number of people to join every day so, so far I got 1 friend! woohoo!! :D
I like the clean look of it and how it divides streams into 'circles' so you can choose the people who will read your message, only family, only friends, etcetera... nice! but there are loads of steps just to publish a simple 'hello mum'.
The circles idea reminds me of Wallop, a social-network made 100% in flash by Microsoft back in 2006 which I think it fail for 2 reasons: their greediness and the flash-o-phobia people had back in that time. It was way too advanced for those days :)
By the way, I don't think many companies will restrict the access to google.com so accessing to Google+ in a sub-domain is a good idea, http://plus.google.com, or bad idea from a business perspective... I'm sure companies will find a workaround to block access to it as soon as it becomes popular (if ever).