Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Blogger bugs on IE?

I was checking my blog statistics using Google Analytics and when checking the browser versions saw that as usual the browser that most of my visitors use is mozilla firefox what is actually logical if the main subject of my blog is digital media, so most of my visitors come here when searching for things related to technologies...
Just for curiosity, I wanted to know how some of my visitors, the ones using IExplorer (32.26% this week), where watching my blog finding out that not everything looks 100% what is in fact normal as all of us know, IExplorer doesn't support (yet!) many CSS features...
The eolas problem is ok, I actually don't mind if a person has to click first on a flash movie to activate it, but not showing some of the elements is a real problem, for instance my technorati's favourites widget, on IExplorer just doesn't show up. It can be a bug on blogger as for instance sometimes the navigation is missing (only if using IEexplorer) but anyway, is ok with me, there is nothing I can (nor want) to do about the 32.26% of visitors who use IExplorer, is not my fault if they are using a bad browser having so many options out there.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that it doesn't really matter but as you're trying to suss things out, i'd like to point out that i use Maxthon, which says it's ie but isn't