Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Widget: Subscribe to my feed

I have just uploaded a widget to Widgipedia called "Subscrbe to my feed", erm... I know, the name is not that nice but I'm not that creative to put names to my widgets :P
This is the description from Widgipedia:

Replace that old RSS button for this cool Flash button to promote your feed and allow your viewers to subscribe to your site with ease. Just put this widget into your blog (or any other page with a feed) and flash will do the rest.

Technically speaking, via javascript-actionscript it gets the URL where is embedded into and sends it to a php, this php searches through the html of the page and returns the RSS (if any), then is easier for the user to add your feed to any reader.

The original design was made by UtomBox and you can find it here, and this is the way it looks:

Click on the "get" button to grab it and embed it into your blog and of course, click on the widget itself to add my feed to your reader ;)


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